Mill of Île-aux-Coudres

Travel time:1 hour and a quarter (including the crossing to Île-aux-Coudres)
Distance from the inn:45 km

Two permanent exhibitions are presented in the reception building. The first, “Homage to work” displays the history of the Isle’s customs and traditions through the works of folk art artist Alfred Desgagnés. The second is a tribute to well-known filmmaker Pierre Perrault.

On the other hand, the miller’s house converted into an interpretation center can tell you the history of the Isle’s mills. During your visit, you will have the opportunity to tour the site accompanied by a guide or to do it by yourself, at your own pace.  The miller and his team will provide valuable information on both the historical and technical aspects during the flour-milling demonstration.

You can also discover on the extensive site, a bread oven handcrafted in clay and a dam. Also, to make your visit to the site more pleasant, they offer a huge green area for a picnic or just plain relaxing. 

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